Salam jumpa dalam blog pribadi, ya, catatan pribadi saya. Kiranya Tuhan mencerahkan hati dan pikiran setelah berkunjung ke blog ini, sehingga kita sama-sama memahami pilihan-pilihan yang telah saya ambil untuk hidup. Dengan berbagai resiko, hidup yang kita miliki sekali ini, telah saya persembahkan untuk membela "kebenaran" mutlak milik Allah.

Pilihan kita menentukan nasib kita, baik masakini maupun masadepan baik nasib pribadi maupun nasib kelompok (keluarga, marga, suku, bangsa), baik untuk hidup ini maupun kehidupan setelah kematian.

Kita yang hanya mengejar keuntungan sementara yang duniawi dari pilihan kita, pasti akan menyesal. Akan tetapi penyesalan itu akan sia-sia, karena pilihan harus dibuat saat ini, saat kita hidup di dunia ini, dalam tubuh fisik ini, sekarang juga.

Kiranya dengan membaca blog ini, dan blog saya yang lain, Anda dapat dicerahkan untuk membuat pilihan-pilihan yang jelas, khususnya dalam kaitannya dengan pergumulan dan perjuangan bangsa Papua menentang dusta dan segala dampak ikutannya atas bangsa Papua dan wilayah West Papua, yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Indonesia, negara republik Indonesia.

Selamat membaca! Tuhan Yesus Kristus memberkati!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Javier Pereira, a Zenu Indian from Colombia 200 Years Old

1956— Photograph of Javier Pereira of Columbia at the age of 167. Javier Pereira, a Zenu Indian from Colombia— famously believed to have lived for 200 years, with his birth year often cited as 1789 in the Viceroyalty of New Granada and his death as March 30, 1989. Although there is no definitive proof of his exact age, many people, including journalists and historians, claimed he had lived for two centuries.

Pereira’s story gained international attention when he traveled to New York City in September 1956, sponsored by Ripley’s Believe It or Not. During his visit, he underwent extensive medical examinations at Cornell Medical Center. Despite his alleged advanced age, he amazed doctors and the public with his vitality. He was described as being 4 feet 4 inches tall and weighing about 35kgs. Although he had lost all his teeth, his hair remained brown. Remarkably, his blood pressure and arteries resembled those of a much younger person, and he could perform feats like standing on one leg, pirouetting, walking several blocks, and climbing stairs without difficulty. One doctor even remarked that Pereira appeared to be more than 150 years old.

At a press conference held at the Biltmore Hotel on September 27, 1956, Pereira, showing his spirited nature, punched four people, reportedly in good humor. Asked about the secret to his longevity, Pereira shared simple advice: chew cocoa beans, drink plenty of coffee, and avoid worrying too much.

Pereira claimed to remember significant historical events, such as the Siege of Cartagena in 1815, as well as conflicts among indigenous communities and a devastating famine that occurred long before. He was “discovered” in 1954, by which time he had outlived five wives, all of his children, and even his grandchildren, the last of whom reportedly died in 1941 at the age of 85.

After his death on March 30, 1989, in MonterĂ­a, Colombia, an Associated Press report described him as “the little Indian believed by many to be the world’s oldest man.” While his exact age remains unverifiable, his story continues to fascinate people. In 1957, Colombia even issued a postage stamp in his honor, commemorating his extraordinary claim to longevity. 

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Nikola Tesla: A Pioneer in High-Frequency and Electrostatic Innovation

Imagine standing on stage as 250 million volts of electricity crackle around you. That’s exactly what Nikola Tesla did in his 1893 lectures at the Franklin Institute and the National Electric Light Association. But Tesla wasn’t just showing off—he was proving a revolutionary principle: that high-frequency electricity, even at enormous voltages, could be safe under the right conditions.

Tesla passed these currents over his body, lighting lamps in his hands and making his skin and hair glow with electrical energy. This was possible due to the skin effect, where high-frequency currents flow along the surface of a conductor (like his body) without penetrating deeper tissues. Tesla explained:

“A million volts would not kill you or hurt you if the current vibrated quickly enough—say half a million times to the second.” (The World, July 22, 1894)

These demonstrations weren’t just spectacles—they laid the groundwork for Tesla’s later inventions, including his mechanical oscillator, which he envisioned as a transformative medical device.

Tesla’s 1896 Patent: The Foundation of High-Frequency Medicine

Tesla’s Apparatus for Producing Electric Currents of High Frequency and Potential (U.S. Patent 568,176) wasn’t just an engineering marvel—it was a paradigm shift.

Key components included:

1. A capacitor to store and release energy explosively.

2. A transformer to generate high-frequency oscillations.

3. Circuit controllers to regulate current flow with precision.

Tesla’s focus on electrostatic principles set his invention apart, creating rapidly alternating electric fields rather than relying solely on electromagnetic waves. These fields interacted uniquely with biological systems, enabling non-invasive, therapeutic possibilities far beyond the capabilities of his contemporaries.

Tesla’s 1897 Article: Electricity as a Guardian of Youth

By 1897, Tesla was exploring health applications for his device. In “Tesla’s New Invention to Preserve the Beauty of Youth Through Life” (New York World, October 31, 1897), he described a routine to repel harmful microbes:

1. Clean the skin with alcohol.

2. Charge the body with high-frequency electrostatic currents to expel microbes.

3. Apply an electric massage to rejuvenate tissues.

While Tesla’s microbial theories have not been validated, his methods anticipated modern skincare technologies like microcurrent therapy.

Tesla’s 1900 Article: A New Frontier in Medicine

In 1900, Tesla claimed his oscillator could cure diseases like tuberculosis by disrupting microbial environments:

"If these portions of the body in which germs are growing are subjected to electricity, the diseases will be unable to live in the changed atmosphere, as it were, and the disease will disappear.” (New York World, August 19, 1900)

Tesla described a painless treatment using a spoon-shaped glass electrode, reporting “marvelous” results from physicians who tested his device.

Comparing Tesla’s Vision to Modern Science

Tesla’s work remains distinct from modern technologies:

1. Tesla’s Approach: High-potential electrostatic fields, interacting non-invasively with biological systems.

2. Modern Devices: Electromagnetic waves (e.g., radiofrequency therapy), which penetrate tissues to stimulate healing.

Tesla’s reliance on electrostatic effects prioritized surface-level, non-invasive treatments—a frontier modern science has largely left unexplored.

Why Didn’t Tesla’s Ideas Gain Traction?

Several factors hindered Tesla’s medical innovations:

Limited Validation: Tesla's claims weren’t rigorously tested by contemporary standards, and his work with high voltages was uncommon among his peers due to safety concerns and a limited understanding of high-frequency, high-potential electricity at the time.

Competing Theories: Germ theory and pharmaceuticals dominated medicine.

Priorities: Tesla focused on wireless energy, leaving medical applications underdeveloped.

What Can We Learn from Tesla Today?

Tesla’s bold reliance on high-frequency, high-potential electrostatic energy challenges us to revisit electricity’s potential in medicine. Could his methods inspire future breakthroughs?

đŸ’¡ What do you think? Are Tesla’s electrostatic principles an untapped frontier in science? Share your thoughts below!

#NikolaTesla #ElectrostaticFields #MedicalInnovation #HighFrequency #TeslaOscillator #VisionaryScience

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Socrates: Saya tidak bisa mengajari seseorang apa pun

Pernyataan Socrates, “Saya tidak bisa mengajari seseorang apa pun. Saya hanya dapat membuat mereka berpikir,” mencerminkan inti dari metode filsafatnya yang dikenal sebagai Metode Socratic atau dialektika. Berikut adalah penjelasan dari pernyataan ini:

1. Pendidikan sebagai Proses Pemahaman Diri
 • Socrates percaya bahwa pengetahuan sejati tidak dapat ditanamkan dari luar. Sebaliknya, ia harus muncul dari dalam diri seseorang melalui refleksi dan pencarian kebenaran.
 • Dalam pandangannya, tugas seorang guru atau filsuf bukanlah memberikan jawaban, tetapi membantu orang menemukan jawaban sendiri dengan berpikir kritis.

2. Metode Socratic
 • Socrates menggunakan metode tanya jawab yang mendalam untuk memandu orang mengevaluasi asumsi mereka, mengungkap kontradiksi, dan akhirnya mencapai wawasan baru.
 • Dengan cara ini, ia tidak “mengajari” dalam arti tradisional, tetapi memfasilitasi proses berpikir sehingga seseorang menemukan kebenaran secara mandiri.

3. Penekanan pada Otonomi Berpikir
 • Pernyataan ini juga menekankan pentingnya kemandirian intelektual. Menurut Socrates, hanya dengan berpikir secara mandiri, seseorang dapat mencapai kebijaksanaan sejati.
 • Pengetahuan yang dipaksakan dari luar tidak akan menghasilkan pemahaman mendalam atau perubahan yang bermakna.

4. Relevansi dalam Pendidikan Modern
 • Pendekatan ini sangat relevan dalam pendidikan saat ini, di mana guru diharapkan menjadi fasilitator yang mendorong siswa berpikir kritis, bukan sekadar memberikan informasi.
 • Fokusnya adalah pada pembelajaran aktif, di mana siswa memainkan peran utama dalam mengeksplorasi dan memahami ide-ide.


Socrates mengajarkan bahwa tujuan pendidikan adalah menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan reflektif. Dengan “membuat orang berpikir,” ia mengingatkan kita bahwa kebijaksanaan sejati tidak dapat diberikan, tetapi harus ditemukan melalui usaha dan perenungan pribadi.