Sunday, May 15, 2022


PERMISI Kepada :
1. Bapa gubernur Papua,
2. Bapa dari Kementerian 
    Agama di Jakarta,.
3. Bapa Bupati Mimika, Bapa
    bupati Puncak, Bapa 
    Bupati Mamberamo 
4. Bapa ketua Sinode Gereja 
    KINGMI, Bapa ketua 
    Sinode GKI, Bapa ketua 
    Sinode GIDI, Bapa ketua 
    Sinode Baptis,
5. Bapa2 anggota DPR 
6. Dan orang besar yang lain.

KOTEKA bukan pemabuk, bukan pencuri, bukan pembakar, bukan pembunuh.

KOTEKA itu simbol beradat, berbudaya, beragama... bukan label pemabuk, bukan pencuri, bukan pembakar, bukan pembunuh, seperti yang anda berupaya beri nama baruku untuk merendahkan MARTABAT BANGSAKU itu.

Yang aku pahami ihwal atribut pakaian adatku KOTEKA dan seterusnya adalah akar spritualku, akar religiusku yakni PERISAI IMANku yang membuat BANGSA BERMARTABAT, BANGSA TERHORMAT di Tanah Papua kawasan Pasifik.

Kalau martabatmu direndahkan, hayat hidupmu dibuat lumpuh dan hancur harus sadar dan bangkit untuk lawan. Saya bangsa yang bermartabat, seperti bangsa bermartabat lain di planet bumi ini.



Keterangan foto :
Foto di ruang tunggu Gereja KINGMI Marten Luther Mile 32 saat pembukaan Konferensi Gereja KINGMI di Mimika tanggal 1 November 2021. Saya As 1 hadir mewakili Bupati Dogiyai (Foto : PP)

Monday, May 9, 2022

Dr Ibrahim Peyon: Indeologi dan Nasionalisme Melanesia

Negara-negara Melanesia konstruksi ideologi dan nasionalsime mereka yang berakar dari budaya Melanesia sendiri. West Papua dipersiapkan sebagai Negara Pasifik pertama yang akan diakui hak kemerdekaan dan kedaulatannya. 

Dalam rangka itu, Nasionalisme Papua dikonstruksi dari akar sejarah dan budaya mereka, itu tergambarkan dalam bentuk Bendera Bintang Fajar yang berakar dari sejarah penciptaan dan sejarah asal-usul leluhur mereka, seperti Manseren Manggundi dan Manarmakeri, Kuri-Pasai, Dema, Yeli, Naruekul, Nabelal-Habel, dan banyak lain. 

Semua ini memiliki satu struktur terdalam, tersembunyi dan struktur inti. Simbol itu mungkin musul dari satu kultural, semisal Saireri, atau Tabi, Jayapura. Tetapi inti struktur sama dan mirip, di seluruh Papua. 

Dengan dasar itu, dirumuskan ideologi "The Triple Principle of Papuan Luster and The Spirit of Melanesian Brotherhood, tahun 1960-an dan kemudian dikembangkan Dr. Don Flassy, dkk dalam komite Indepenten menjelang kongres Papua II. Ideologi, Tiga Prinsip Kilau Papua ini didasarkan pada kasih, kesetiaan dan kejujuran, dan lebih jauh lagi pada Prinsip Persaudaraan Melanesia one people, one soul dan one solidarity. Ini menjadi asas dan ideologi nasionalisme West Papua, tiga prinsip kilau ini tentu muncul dari sebuah hukum dasar, dan hukum dasar itu harus diungkapnya. 

Di Papua New Guinea, Bernad Narokobi konstruksi basis ideologi nasionalisme, Melanesia Way, kini menjadi falsafah dasar konstruksi ideologi nasionalisme negara-bangsa PNG. Narokobi mengatakan, Melanesia adalah unity, bersatu, dan terikat. Melanesia ada disini sebelum Eropa dan Asia datang, peradaban Melanesia itu akar yang lama, dan budaya kami tidak tertulis dan itu diwariskan dengan cara lisan dan simbol-simbol kultur. Melanesia itu unity, itu dalam bentuk resiprositas, memberi dan menerima, kehidupan komunal, dan solidaritas. 

Vanuatu terinspirasi dan ambil makna dari Melanesia Way, dan konstruksi Sosialisme Melanesia, yang berakan budaya Melanesia sendiri, sosialisme-komunalisme, ideologi nasionalisme berbeda dari sosialisme-komunisme Karl Marx, sosialisme Melanesia ada sebelum teori Marxisme, dan ada sebelum kontak dengan Eropa. Akar hidup dan budaya Melanesia adalah memberi dan menerima, resiprositas; hidup berkelompok dan kerja sama, komunalisme, dan saling bersolidaritas. Sosialisme Melanesia vs Kapitalisme Eropa, beda dengan sosialisme Marx, Komunalisme vs Individualisme, dan komunalisme Melanesia berbeda dengan Komunisme Marx. 

Sosialisme Melanesia berbeda dari sosialsime Mx tentang kepemilikan bersama semua warga negara, sedang Sosialisme Melanesia mengakui kepemilikan komunal dalam klen. Basis kepemilikan Melanesia klen dan distribusi lintas klen dataran negara-bangsa. 

Ideologi Nasionalsime Fiji konstruksi berbasis ideologi sejarah penciptaan Melanesia dan pola kepemilikan. Ideologi "Vanua", yang memiliki tiga elemen dasar, yaitu: vanua and spirits, vanua and places, and vanua and people. Ideologi ini menjadi dasar indeologi nasionalisme negara-bangsa, di mana spirits, tanah, dan manusia ditempatkan pada posisi yang sama. 

Negara-negara Melanesia dibangun di atas kaki dan akarnya sendiri, semua elemen ini diperlakukan sama. Dalam konteks itulah, Green State Vission lahir sebagai sebuah visi untuk berdamai dan menghargai hak semua mahluk, maka tercipta harmoni, perdamaian dan keseimbangan berkelanjutan. Tugas imuwan Melanesia hari ini adalah mencari tahu dan menemukan hukum dasar semua ideologi nasionalisme negara-bangsa Melanesia ini. Saya percaya ada hukum yang paling mendasar dari semua ideologi ini, Melanesia way, The Triple Principle of Papuan, Melanesia Socialism, dan Vanua, pasti memiliki satu hukum dasar yang sama dan satu. Menurut pikiran saya, hukum dasar itu saya disebut Trias Tunggal Melanesia.

Why Some Degree Holders are POOR & Living their lives below the Average

Why some Degree Holders are POOR & living their Live below the Average
  By Michael Kuam

Basically, there are seven reasons why degree holders are poor.

1. They don't think beyond their Degree Certificates.

Albert Einstein said, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Have you ever heard  creativity term “Think outside of the box”? One of the major reasons why most graduates are poor is simply because they can’t see and think beyond their degree certificates. 

I have seen engineering students work as bankers. I have seen medical doctors with great skills in web and graphic designs. I have seen lawyers that are very dexterous with finances. The list is endless!

The basic truth of life is that the skills that are needed to be much sought after becoming more successful in life are not really found within the walls of the classrooms. Your certificate is just a proof that you are teachable, it does not suggest what you are totally capable of doing. You are full of possibilities when you think beyond your degrees certificates.

2. They prioritize their Degree Certificates more than their Gifts & Talents

I have often advised some of my colleagues, never to leave their gifts dormant while pursuing and hunting for jobs with their certificates. There must be a complementary balance in the pursuit of your passion and in the search for jobs.

Everybody is gifted for something, but the winning edge comes from our ability to work on our gifts and bless the world with it. The very best way to develop yourself is in the direction of your natural talents and interest. In order to live a fulfilled and impactful life, we need to work harder on our gift than our job. We need to discover our gift, develop it, and sell it. Don’t bury your Talents with your certificates.

3. Their Certificate prepare them for a World that No Longer Exists.

It has been found that most of the skills taught in schools are becoming obsolete in the present world. The world has changed a lot, and so are people’s need! It is imperative to know that the present form of university education does not prepare students for the future.

Graduates are becoming endangered species in the face of a changing world. Our archaic methods and approaches of learning are preparing graduates for a world that no longer exist, as we are churning out degree holders every year with certificates that have face value but no intrinsic worth. Most learning institutions are filled up with lecturers and pseudo-educators with lecture notes, methods and approaches that have lost relevance in a changing world.

4. They know less about Themselves.

Certificates and degrees don’t reveal people to themselves; they at most measure our IQ (Intelligent Quotient). I have often tell people that there is no Recovery without Discovery. A poor man is simply someone that has not discovered himself.
The more you discover yourself, the more you realize the treasures that are hidden deep within you. We carry inside ourselves latent treasures that can only be unveiled through self-discovery.

5. Their Certificate & Degree can kill Initiative.

Degrees and certificates can close up your minds to ideas while initiatives open it up. If you are not careful, your degrees and certificates can close up your mind. The purpose of education is to keep your mind perpetually opened towards limitless possibilities!
Fred Smith saw an opportunity for overnight delivery of anything anywhere in the USA, and ultra- fast delivery anywhere in the world, FedEx was born. It will be interesting to know that Fred Smith got a grade “C” in a Yale economics class for an idea that the professor belittled as unworkable. 
Fred Smith’s company became the first American business to make over ten billion dollars in annual profit. Beginning with just 186 packages delivered the first night, FedEx now delivers in over two hundred countries using over 6,030 aircraft, 46,000 vehicles and 141,000 employees.

6. Degree & Certificate position you look for Jobs & not to search for Opportunities.

Our certificates and degrees prepare graduates to look for jobs and not open our eyes to life-changing opportunities. You are not poor because you don’t have a job; you are poor because you are not seeing and seizing opportunities.
Being POOR is simply Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly! What keeps people ahead in life is not their education or degrees, it is simply the opportunity that they seized. Jobs may be scarce but not opportunities.
 As long as there is a problem to be solved, there will always be opportunities. It is a waste of our education, exposure, and experiences if after we graduate from school, all we think about is searching for a job. An enlightened and educated mind should be able to see and seize opportunities.

7. Certificate & Degree prepare people to look for security & not to take risks.

We must be willing to make mistakes and take breakthrough risks. Taking risks and learning from mistakes help us in knowing what works and what does not! When Thomas Edison was being questioned by a mischievous journalist on how he felt for having failed for 999 times before getting the idea of the light bulb, his response stunned the whole world when he confidently said, “I have not failed 999 times, I have only learned 999 ways of how not to make a light bulb”.

Many graduates and degree holders are becoming progressively poor because the skills required in the modern world to get rich are not taught in schools and institutions.
By 2025, we’ll lose over five million jobs to automation. This means that future jobs will look vastly different by the time many people graduate from the university.

Future jobs will involve knowledge production/creation and innovation, and people that are only equipped with skills found in the classroom will definitely be a misfit in an ever-changing world. Skills like critical thinking, creativity, people’s skill, stem skills (e.g Coding), complex problem-solving skills etc. are central to living a more comprehensive and productive life.

 Therefore, my humble and candid advice to graduates and students in institutions is to think wide, deep and outside the box. Take volunteer jobs, and don’t be afraid to navigate fields that are different from your field of learning. Your future career will require you to pull information from many different fields to come up with creative solutions to future problems. 

Start by reading as much as you can about anything and everything that interests you. Once you get to college, consider double majoring or minoring in completely different fields. Trust me, it’ll pay off in the long run.

Don’t limit yourself to the classroom. Do something practical. Take a leadership position. Start a business and fail; that’s a better entrepreneurship. Contest an election and lose. It will teach you something political science will not teach you. Attend a seminar. Read books outside the scope of your course.

Think less of becoming an excellent student, but think more of becoming an excellent person. Don’t make the classroom your world, but make the world your classroom. Step forward and try something extra.

Invest in something you believe! Real financial security and freedom is not in your job, but in your passion, gifts, talents, and your ability to see and seize opportunities.


Saturday, May 7, 2022

Dr Ibrahim Peyon: Satu Pusat, Betulkah?

Oleh: Ibrahim Peyon, Ph.D | 7 Mei 2022

Pertanyaan kita, apakah benar bahwa hanya ada satu Tuhan sesuai ajaran agama-agama Arabis? Karena satu Tuhan maka ada kepercayaan Monoteistik? Karena satu Tuhan dan kepercayaan Monoteistik maka semua manusia berasal dari satu leluhur Adam dan Hewa? Atau semua manusia berasal dari Afrika menurut teori evolusi? Apakah benar bahwa semua civilization manusia di mulai dari Babylonia? Karena itukah maka pusat kolonialisme itu dimulai dari Eropa dan Amerika? Alasan itu pula pusat kapitalisme dan imperialisme Eropa dan Amerika? Karena itu pula Ero-Amerika sebagai negara dunia pertama, negara-negara eropa timur bekas jajahan Rusia sebagai negara dunia kedua? Karena itu juga negara-negara Asia, Afrika, Amerika Latin dan Pasifik sebagai negara dunia ketiga? Lalu siapa dunia keempat?
Karena itu pula orang Melanesia baru datang dari Afrika 40.000 tahun lalu? Karena itu agama dan ilmu pengetahuan pusat dari Eropa dan kita terima begitu saja? Kita sebagai Melanesia perlu refleksi dan jawan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini.


Leluhur kita hidup ribuan dan jutaan tahun di sini. Kami punya Tuhan dan kepercayaan asli di sini. Kami punya sejarah dan budaya sendiri di sini. Kami punya bahasa dan tatanan adat istiadat sendiri di sini. Kami punya sistem ekonomi dan pertanian tertua di dataran tinggi di sini. Kami disini, PUSAT KEHIDUPAN KAMI ada di sini. Kami hidup sebagai bangsa merdeka di sini. Mengapa bangsa? semua negara di dunia dibentuk berbasis individu, keluarga, band, lineage, klen, fratri, moiety, suku/etnik, culture area, dan negara-bangsa. Itu basis suatua negara-bangsa, semua negara modern berbasis pada itu. Lalu apakah Papua sebuah negara-bangsa? Jawabannya, tegas, ya dan pasti. Di sini pusat bangsa Papua, pusat sejarah penciptaan dan asal-usul bangsa, pusat sejarah dan adat istiadat, pusat kebudayaan, pusat kepercayaan, pusat bahasa, pusat ilmu pengetahuan, pusat ekonomi, pusat politik, pusat agama, dst. Semua ada di sini, dan di sini pusat kami, bangsa Melanesia.