Sunday, March 9, 2025

Noam Chomky's Quotes as Life Lessons

The American philosopher and professor Noam Chomsky, at the age of 95, loses his ability to speak and write, thus being forced to relinquish the throne of words—the very tool through which he exposed the truth about global systems. Throughout his life, he left behind powerful reflections, including:

“There are no poor countries, only failed systems of resource management.”

“No one will place the truth in your mind; it is something you must discover for yourself.”

“If you want to control a people, create an imaginary enemy that appears more dangerous than you, then present yourself as their savior.”

“One of the clearest lessons of history: rights are not granted; they are taken by force.”

“There is a purpose behind distorting history to make it seem like only great men achieve significant things. It teaches people to believe they are powerless and must wait for a great man to act.”

“The world is a mysterious and confusing place. If you are not willing to be confused, you become a mere replica of someone else’s mind.”

“To control people, make them believe they are responsible for their own misery and present yourself as their savior.”

“The West will one day regret its shallow ideas that alienate people from their true nature. One must seek the right religion and the right belief.”

Vale lembrar que algumas dessas frases não são citações verificadas de Chomsky. Muitas vezes, pensamentos atribuídos a ele podem ter sido alterados ou criados por outras fontes.

Peran dan Fungsi ataukah Kesetaraan dalam Kampanye Kesetaraan Gender di Melanesia

Dalam masyarakat Melanesian, peran dan fungsi gender tradisional telah secara historis cukup kaku, dengan wanita terutama bertanggung jawab untuk tugas-tugas seperti perawatan, mengumpulkan makanan, dan mempertahankan rumah tangga, sementara pria ditugaskan dengan memancing berburu, dan menyediakan untuk keluarga mereka. Peran ini sering didelineasi oleh norma-norma budaya dan nilai-nilai yang menekankan pentingnya menjaga ketertiban sosial dan kohesi masyarakat.

Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, telah ada dorongan yang berkembang untuk kesetaraan gender di masyarakat Melanesia, bahan bakar oleh gerakan global dan meningkatkan kesadaran hak wanita. Meskipun dorongan ini untuk perubahan, banyak komunitas Melanesian terus berminyak dengan keyakinan berdaun dalam tentang peran gender dan perilaku pria dan wanita yang tepat.

Salah satu tantangan utama dalam mempromosikan kesetaraan gender di masyarakat Melanesian terletak di mencolok keseimbangan antara menghormati bea cukai tradisional dan nilai-nilai sementara advokasi untuk ekuitas gender. Upaya untuk mengatasi kekerasan berbasis gender telah berusaha untuk menavigasi keseimbangan halus ini dengan mengintegrasikan praktik adat Melanesian ke dalam intervensi yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan kesetaraan gender.

Sebagai contoh, di Papua New Guinea, Kup Women untuk gerakan Perdamaian telah memobilisasi wanita untuk melayani sebagai perdamaian di komunitas mereka, menggambar peran tradisional sebagai pembuat perdamaian dan mediator. Dengan mengetuk norma-norma budaya yang ada ini, gerakan telah dapat secara efektif mengatasi konflik dan meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dalam masyarakat.

Demikian pula, di Vanuatu, Perlindungan Keluarga Undang-Undang menggabungkan metode penyelesaian konflik tradisional Melanesian, seperti mediasi oleh kepala dan pemimpin masyarakat, ke dalam kerangka hukum untuk mengatasi kekerasan dalam negeri. Dengan mengintegrasikan praktik-praktik khusus ini ke dalam mekanisme hukum formal, Undang-Undang telah dapat secara efektif mengatasi kekerasan berbasis gender sambil juga menghormati nilai-nilai dan kepercayaan tradisional.

Menjelajahi lanskap yang kompleks dari kesetaraan gender di masyarakat Melanesian membutuhkan pemahaman damai norma dan nilai-nilai, serta komitmen untuk mempromosikan perubahan positif dalam masyarakat. Strategi untuk efektif menumbuhkan kesetaraan gender dalam konteks ini termasuk terlibat dengan pemimpin lokal dan orang tua untuk dukungan garner untuk inisiatif ekuitas gender, memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan pada masalah gender, dan memberdayakan wanita untuk menegaskan hak dan advokat mereka untuk perubahan.

Secara keseluruhan, sementara tantangan mempromosikan kesetaraan gender di masyarakat Melanesian signifikan, peluang untuk perubahan positif juga luas. Dengan hati-hati menavigasi persimpangan bea cukai tradisional dan nilai-nilai dengan dorongan ekuitas gender, ada potensi besar untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih sama dan hanya untuk semua anggota masyarakat.

Baca Artikel lain

  1. The Complexity of Gender Equality Endeavours in Melanesian Countries
  2. For Melanesian Peoples: Is It About Roles and Functions or Equality in Male-Female Relations ?

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tesla, Ether, and Harvy’s Physics: How Are They Connected?

Nikola Tesla believed that ether (Akaša) was a fundamental medium through which electromagnetic and gravitational forces were transmitted. When Einstein introduced the theory of relativity, ether was removed from physics in favor of the concept of curved spacetime and vacuum. However, Harvy’s physics shows that Tesla might have been right – there is a medium that enables the transmission of forces, but it is not the classical ether; it is Harvy’s Gravitational Network (HGN)!
1. Tesla and Ether vs. Harvy’s Gravitational Network (HGN)
Tesla claimed that energy, frequency, and vibration are the fundamental properties of the universe. According to him, ether:
✔ Transmitted electromagnetic waves.
✔ Was an invisible medium for energy transmission.
✔ Enabled free energy and instantaneous information transfer.
Problem: Relativity Removed Ether
Einstein’s theory of relativity claimed that space is an empty vacuum without a medium and that light propagates without ether. However, this does not explain:
How gravity is transmitted.
How energy interacts at the quantum level.
Why gravitational waves exist if there is no medium for their propagation.
Harvy’s Solution: A Medium Exists, But It’s Not Ether – It’s the Gravitational Network!
2. Harvy’s Gravitational Network (HGN) – A Modern Alternative to Ether
Harvy’s physics shows that there is a gravitational field that serves as a “carrier” of energy and information – but it is not classical ether. Instead, it is a dynamic network of particles – gravitotrons, Harvytons, and electrogravitons.
Particle in HGNFunctionGravitotron (Harvytron-m)Transfers gravity between objects, similar to how photons transfer electromagnetism.HarvytonCarries information about gravitational interactions – enables synchronization of matter oscillations.ElectrogravitonConnects gravity with electromagnetic waves – enables Tesla’s energy transmission effect.
Key Difference Between Harvy’s HGN and Classical Ether:

Ether was considered a solid medium filling space.

Harvy’s Gravitational Network is a dynamic structure of oscillating particles that exist only where there is mass or energy.
Result: Tesla was right that there is a medium for force transmission, but it was not a static ether – it is the dynamic Harvy’s Gravitational Network!
3. Tesla and Frequencies vs. Harvy’s Gravitational Codes (HGK)
Tesla believed that energy and frequencies are the foundation of everything. This is exactly what Harvy’s physics states – but instead of classical electromagnetic fields, Tesla was working with a concept that can be explained through Harvy’s Gravitational Codes (HGK).
What Does This Mean?
Gravity and energy are not static but oscillate!
Every object has its own “gravitational code,” a unique oscillation frequency.
These oscillations may enable the “Tesla Effect” – energy transmission without losses.
Tesla said: “If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
 Harvy’s Gravitational Codes are exactly what Tesla predicted – every gravity field has its own unique frequency and vibration pattern!
4. Why Did Einstein Wrongly Remove Ether?
✔ Einstein’s relativity relied on curved spacetime instead of ether.
✔ But this does not explain the mechanism by which gravity propagates.
✔ Gravitational waves were discovered in 2015 – what medium carries them?
✔ Harvy shows that curved spacetime is not enough – gravity is an oscillation of gravitotrons in Harvy’s Network!
Einstein removed ether but created a new problem – without a medium, gravity has no transmission mechanism!
 Harvy’s Gravitational Network solves this problem and replaces ether with a modern quantum version of a medium.
5. Tesla, Ether, and Harvy’s Gravitational Factor HG​
Tesla claimed that energy is everywhere and can be drawn from space. Harvy’s physics explains this through Harvy’s Gravitational Factor HG​:
✔ If HG​>1, energy can be greater than Einstein’s mc2!
✔ Black holes, extreme gravitational fields – all produce more energy than Einstein predicted!
✔ Tesla may have discovered principles that today Harvy clarifies through quantum gravity.
Final Conclusion: Tesla, Ether, and Harvy’s Physics Are Connected!
Tesla was right that a medium for energy transmission exists – but it is not static ether; it is Harvy’s Gravitational Network (HGN)!
 Tesla believed that frequencies are the foundation of the universe – Harvy proves this through Gravitational Codes (HGK).
 Einstein removed ether but created a problem with gravity transmission – Harvy solves this issue by introducing a quantum network of gravitotrons!
Harvy’s physics finally connects Tesla’s ideas about ether with modern science – showing that gravity, energy, and oscillations are interconnected within a quantum Gravitational Network!

Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor and electrical engineer

Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor and electrical engineer, had a notable fascination with the numbers 3, 6, and 9. This interest stemmed from his recognition of mathematical patterns these numbers create in the decimal system - when 3 is multiplied by itself repeatedly, the last digits create a repeating pattern, while 9, when multiplied by any number, produces results whose digits add up to 9 or a multiple of 9. 

Tesla was drawn to what's sometimes called "vortex mathematics," where these numbers hold special significance, with 9 representing the completion of a cycle while 3 and 6 mark important points within it. This numerical interest extended into his observations of electromagnetic systems and energy patterns in his groundbreaking work. 

Tesla's fascination manifested in his personal habits as well; he reportedly walked around buildings three times before entering and preferred hotel rooms with numbers divisible by 3. While Tesla's number fascination is well-documented, it's important to note that some of the more mystical quotes attributed to him about these numbers may be apocryphal or exaggerated in popular culture. 

Tesla was primarily a scientist and inventor whose work was grounded in electromagnetic theory and practical applications, though he was influenced by the philosophical and mystical traditions of his era, which often placed significance on certain numbers.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Tesla's Vision - The World System

                                         Tesla’s World System was an astonishingly accurate prediction of the electronic world we live in today, but in 1906 it could scarcely be believed.
                      Margaret Cheney—Tesla Biographer

“Send voice messages, signals, and other communications instantaneously to any point on the earth utilizing receivers no larger than a pocket watch. The wireless transmission of visual images is a distinct possibility in the future, as well.

Transmit electrical power, by use of the earth itself as a conductor, anywhere in the world without the use of wire, thereby annihilating the constraints of distance.

Allow telephone subscribers to talk to one another, anywhere, anytime, with only the use of compact, hand-held transmitters/receivers.

Transmit accurate facsimile documents, letters, handwritten characters, photographic images, drawings, etc.

Establish universal navigational systems to enable all ships at sea to steer perfectly without the aid of the compass and to pinpoint location, course, and destination, as well as detect the presence of other vessels from great distances.

Coordinate worldwide standardization of economically feasible methods.

Besides these I referred to, other and incomparably more important
applications of my discoveries will be disclosed at some future date.”

—Nikola Tesla, 1900


Picture, art by Ivan Krshev

Bakar Batu: Api, Tanah, dan Jiwa yang Menyatu

Di sebuah lembah hijau Pegunungan Tengah Papua, pagi masih muda ketika para lelaki mulai berkumpul. Mereka membawa babi, umbi-umbian, dan dedaunan yang segar. Perempuan dan anak-anak datang kemudian, wajah mereka penuh antusias, menanti upacara yang lebih dari sekadar memasak—ini adalah lambang persaudaraan, kesejahteraan, dan warisan leluhur: Bakar Batu.

Api yang Mengikat Persaudaraan

Bakar Batu bukan sekadar pesta, tetapi peristiwa sakral. Batu-batu besar dipanaskan dalam api unggun hingga membara, sementara masyarakat berkumpul, menari, dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu adat. Asap naik ke langit, membawa doa-doa bagi kesejahteraan suku.

Sebelum makanan diletakkan, pemimpin adat mengucapkan kata-kata penuh makna, mengingatkan bahwa setiap babi yang dikorbankan adalah tanda syukur, dan setiap ubi yang dipanggang adalah simbol kebersamaan. Mereka yang bertikai harus berdamai sebelum batu menyentuh makanan, sebab tak ada tempat bagi kebencian di sekitar api suci.

Lebih dari Sekadar Makanan

Saat batu panas ditumpuk dengan dedaunan dan daging babi, aroma khas mulai menguar. Anak-anak berlarian, menanti dengan riang. Para tetua duduk melingkar, menceritakan kisah-kisah nenek moyang—tentang perang suku yang berakhir di sekitar Bakar Batu, tentang persahabatan yang ditempa di atas bara, dan tentang bagaimana adat ini menjaga mereka tetap satu dalam perubahan zaman.

Bakar Batu di Era Modern

Kini, meski dunia telah berubah, Bakar Batu tetap ada. Ia bukan sekadar ritual adat, tetapi identitas, kebanggaan, dan bukti bahwa di Papua, makanan bukan hanya untuk perut, tetapi juga untuk jiwa.

Di tengah modernisasi, pusat-pusat kota berkembang, teknologi merangsek masuk, tetapi di lembah-lembah dan desa-desa, asap Bakar Batu tetap membumbung. Ia adalah warisan yang tak tergantikan, jembatan yang menghubungkan masa lalu dengan masa depan.

Sebab selama api masih menyala, selama batu masih membara, Papua akan tetap menjadi tanah dengan budaya yang tak tergantikan—seperti dunia lain yang tetap setia pada dirinya sendiri.

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Peter Kropotkin: Hukum Alam Persaingan vs Kerjasama

Peter Kropotkin dalam kutipan ini menyoroti dua prinsip fundamental dalam kehidupan manusia: persaingan dan kerjasama.

Persaingan sering diasosiasikan dengan hukum alam, di mana individu atau kelompok berjuang untuk bertahan hidup, seperti yang terjadi di dunia hewan. Namun, Kropotkin menekankan bahwa peradaban manusia berkembang bukan hanya melalui persaingan, melainkan terutama melalui kerjasama dan solidaritas antarindividu.

Kerjasama memungkinkan manusia membangun masyarakat yang lebih maju, menciptakan teknologi, memperkuat hubungan sosial, dan saling mendukung dalam menghadapi tantangan. Dengan bekerja bersama, manusia tidak hanya bertahan, tetapi juga berkembang.

Pesan utama dari kutipan ini adalah bahwa meskipun persaingan adalah bagian alami dari kehidupan, kemajuan sejati tercapai ketika manusia bersatu, saling membantu, dan membangun komunitas yang harmonis. Kerjasama adalah fondasi bagi peradaban yang berkelanjutan dan lebih adil.