Sunday, August 21, 2022
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Yes, truly! The past always looks better than now! Even though in the past we were looking forward to a better future!
This is the art of life and living. Narokobi says, "Welcome birth, Live Well, Love Well, Have something good for every person, and Die a Happy Death! (Welcome birth is my addition)
I stated this as a comment to a video which was shown on a facebook page of Port Moresby, the capital of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea (PNG), Here is the note written when posting the video
Port Moresby city 1985 when we had very few settlements, no public markets, no rowdy public gatherings and filth, very low crime rate, and the residents were clean, tidy and well mannered. I was a teenager and life was sweet.
My answer is not just based on this scene, but also based on our common experience in responding to current situations: how we feel and what we say when we interpret or struggle with current life dynamic. The old guys always speak of how good the past was. On the other spectrum, there are people today, who speak to this life about the future. They always look forward to a better future, a bad past, a worse today.
When I hear what Christians speak about life and time, about time and space, they speak about God's time, i.e., Kairos time of God. They say, God's Kairos is done and complete work, it is here and now, it has no past, no present, there is no bad, no good, everything is good right here, right now.
Many of you are new generation individuals. I was born in stone age, almost 60 years ago, before all things that we have today come into being. I grew up in stone age world, that I call my World One. Then I came to a bigger town to do my school, leaving my village. It took me 1 hour to fly with small airplanes to get to this town. This is World Two for me, where I had my own people speaking my vernacular around, but we were all living in a foreign land, a customary land belongs to other tribes, far, far away from my own tribe.
When I was in my World One, I was living in PRESENT TIME all the time. Everyone was at present time. Nobody was talking about the future, other than talking about things written in the Bible. There is no business plan, no school schedules, no general elections, no government visiting time, nothing, no one, other than ourselves.
When I was in World One, I was thinking about what to eat today, what to do today, and then tired, and then slept.
When I came to World Two, then I started to know Timetable for Lessons at Schools, starting to count days and dates, began to think about what to do in the morning and afternoon and evening. At the same time, I started to think about what to cook and what to eat, today and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.
When everyone is World One, i.e., the place where we originate from tribally, then everyone is already in Kairos Time, the present time, all the time. When one looses home, the person starts to get out from the Present Time, and begin jump into the past and future. It depends on the exposure, one will be retrospective or prospective.
Being retrospective, thinking and talking about the past is not a bad thing. It is not a sin either. Being prospective is very good. However, when one starts comparing the past with the present, and begin to weigh with duality of good and bad, then that is the problem.
We are not responsible for the past, which means we did not determine the past. We cannot do anything to the past. We are not fully responsible for the present because the present is being here on its own, by its own, and for its own. I am here witnessing the present. I am not doing anything to the present.
But there is something that I can do, i.e, to stay here, at the present, ight here, right now. That means not going back in order to compare it to the present. It also means not going forward ahead of the present. But just stay here. That is the way God operates. That is also the way Melanesians have been operating in World One. That should be the way Melanesians operate whether we are right now in World One, World Two, World Three or World Four.
We have to remind ourselves, that our grandchildren in year 3033 will watch our videos and see pictures and read books or articles and will be saying, "The past was so good, my ancestors used to live in Port Moresby city, it was so good, the sea was clean at Ela Beach, we can still see a lot of grass and trees surrounding the city, but right now, everything is concrete jungles, cannot see any living being around!"
Surely, the past is always nice to remember! And the future is nice to look forward to. But remember, God operates on present time, present tense. Melanesians did operate in God's time, but now this generation has departed from it. It is time for us now to take one step backward, and look around, and live, and enjoy this life, in fullness, in harmony!
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
René Descartes adalah seorang filsuf dan matematikawan Prancis yang hidup pada abad ke-17. Ia dianggap sebagai salah satu tokoh paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah pemikiran Barat, terutama dalam pengembangan filsafat modern dan metode ilmiah.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Sebuah Gagasan dan Teori Harus Dipisahkan dari Oknum Pengagas...
Asal-usul Gagasan
Saya sebagai penggagas dari sejumlah pemikiran Orang Asli Papua (OAP) hendak menyampaikan kepada publik bangsa Papua (OAP), bahwa secara prinsipil dan universal, sebuah gagasan teori datang dari alam yang berbeda, alam yang tidak sama dengan alam nyata ini. Ia berasal dari alam "imaginasi" dan "dunia abstraksi". Yang kedua, kedatangan atau kunjungan yang datang dari alam sebelah atau alam lain itu tidak terjadi sepanjang waktu, di semua tempat dan kepada orang yang sama secara terus-menerus. Akan tetapi ia datang mengikuti semacam "signal" atau "radar" yang kita miliki dan pancarkan dalam kehidupan yang mengundang dan menarik mereka datang.
Contohnya, saya bisa mendapatkan gagasan dan abstraksi gagasan Demokrasi Kesukuan pada satu waktu dan tempat tertentu secara jelas, akan tetapi pada saat bergeser waktu dan berubah tempat, maka bisa terjadi signal komunikasi tergeser atau terganggu, maka saluran informasi dan konsep tidak terjadi, atau terganggu, atau sama-sekali menjadi mati.
Oleh karena itu, bilamana sebuah konsep pernah terlahir di tengah-tengah bangsa manapun di dunia, biasanya dipelihara untuk dipupuk, dikembangkan dan terus-menerus diproses. Teori muncul bukan hanya untuk dianut, akan tetapi terutama sekali untuk mendapatkan tantangan dan bantahan, yaitu berupa ujian-ujian sepanjang perjalanannya.
Teori yang telah melewati ujian itulah yang akan menjadi sebuah teori yang baku, dianut dan diikuti oleh para teoretisi dan praktisi dalam bidang-bidangnya. Tidak ada teori, apapun teori itu, yang didapati sempurna sepanjang masa. Teori bukan kebenaran mutlak seperti yang ada dalam Alkitab. Teori ialah upaya manusia memetakan kepingan-kepingan kebenaran, untuk mengupayakan kebajikan kepada kehidupan. Dalam hal ini untuk menghadirkan sistem pemerintahan yang holistik dan berbasis lokal dengan orientasi global, berbasis suku, tak berpartai politik dan dianut dalam batas-batas wilayah suku.
Oleh karena, saya sebagai penggagas "Demokrasi Kesukuan", salah satu gagasan yang saya sampaikan ialah agar sistem pemerintahan yang dijalankan di dunia post postmodern ini dijalankan dalam konteks suku-suku, atau dalam masyarakat modern Indonesia, dijalankan di tingkat desa-desa. Di dalam setiap desa terdapat Demokrasi Kesukuan. Begitu demokrasi berproses ke ruang yang lebih luas, maka dapat diterapkan sistem demokrasi yang lain, sesuai dengan konteks sosial, budaya, politik dan kondisi geografis di mana demokrasi dipraktekkan.
Saya tidak pernah berpikir sama-sekali, bukan karena sengaja, akan tetapi karena memang alur pemikiran saya bukan bagian dari itu, bahwa gagasan Demokrasi Kesukuan ialah bagian dari Demokrasi Liberal atau Demokrasi Sosial. Akan tetapi pada tahapan pemolesan, terutama tahun 2003 ke atas, saya menemukan bahwa gagasan ini lebih mengarah kepada pemikiran Anthony Giddens tentang "The Third Way", yaitu Ideologi Jalan Ketiga.
Itu kalau saya memiliki dua tembok pemikiran antara sosialis dan liberal. Akan tetapi saya tidak memilikinya. Alam berpikir saya sangat berbeda.
Demokrasi Kesukuan = Dunia 1 + Dunia 4
Saya memetakan Demorkasi Kesukuan lebih mengarah kepada peta Jared Diamond tentang "The World Until Yesterday" dan buku "In Other Worlds Paperback – Illustrated, October 27, 2014"
Dua orang Bule ini, yang pertama seorang ilmuwan di Papua New Guinea, yang kedua seorang anggota badan misi yang datang ke suku Yali dan menerjemahkan Alkitab Bahasa Yali mengatakan bahwa dunia Tanah Papua dan dunia mereka tidak sama. Oleh karena itu, mereka jelas-jelas mengatakan dunia OAP ialah dunia tersendiri, berbeda dan terpisah dari dunia mereka, di mana mereka berasal.
John Wilson juga menjelaskan bagaimana anak-anaknya dikirim dari wilayah Suku Yali dan dikirim ke Sentani, yaitu dunia yang berbeda lagi dari dunia mereka di kampung, dan mereka mennjalani kehidupan sekolah di Sentani. Kalau cerita ini berlanjut, maka bilamana anak-anak John Wilson dikirim sekolah di Jakarta, maka mereka akan tinggal di dunia yang berbeda lagi. Yaitu dunia yang berbeda dari dunia Suku Yali, Dunia Sentani, dunia tempat mereka berasal.
Berdasarkan keterangan Jared Diamond dan apa yang dijelaskan Wilson meneguhkan dengan jelas dan tepat, bahwa pada saat ini ada empat lapisan:
1. Dunia 1: Dunia MADAT (Masyarakat Adat);
2. Dunia 2: Masyarakat Adat di Kota Mereka (MADAT Papua di Jayapura misalnya)
3. Dunia 3: Masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya bersama semua orang di Asia Tenggara dan Afrika dan Melanesia.
4. Dunia 4: Masyarakat Post Postmodern, yaitu negara maju seperti Hong Kong, Singapore, Jepang, Inggris, dan lainnya
Sekarang orang Papua semuanya berada di putaran atau lapisan dunia 1 - dunia 2. Kebanyakan kami berada di Dunia 2.
Dunia 2 inilah tempat goncangan-goncangan terjadi sangat banyak dalam kehidupan pribadi maupun kolektif.
Saya cukupkan sampai di sini dulu tentang topik dunia ini.
Dengan konsep ini, maka gagasan Demokrasi Kesukuan dimunculkan untuk menjembatani Dunia 1 dan Dunia 4, sehingga bisa tercipta Dunia 5. Demokrasi Kesukuan memiliki peta pemikiran dan gagasan teori yang cukup mendalam, kemungkinan besar akan dimuat secara utuh dalam 10 buku, dengan rata-rata halaman buku masing-masing ialah lebih dari 200 halaman.
Ini merupakan sebuah sistem pemerintahan yang harus dipertimbangkan, terutama dalam rangka menghadapi berbagai persoalan lingkungan alam hari ini, karena pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim, yang telah nyata-nyata menyebabkan terjadi banyak pulau di kawasan Melanesia tenggelam dan frekuensi dan tingkat banjir serta gempa bumi yang lebih berat daripada sebelumnya.
Memang banyak kali pemuda Papua bicara seperti ini, "Merdeka dulu baru bicara teori...." dan mereka bicara beberapa kali di telinga saya sendiri. Sungguh menyakitkan. Akan tetapi saya mau katakan kepada Anda yang selalu mengucapkan ini, bahwa ungkpatan ini berasal dari iblis.
"Dalam nama Yesus, saya tolak segala kata-kata dan ucapan yang mematikan gagasan Demokrasi Kesukuan, yang pada akhirnya akan menghadirkan Yesus datang sebagai Raja Damai, untuk memerintah selama-lamanya"
Ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa Demorkasi Kesukuan dirancang untuk memajukan perang suku di dalam suku-suku. Ada yang katakan Demokrasi Kesukuan tidak nasinoalis tetapi sukuis, dan terutama sekali sangat Suku Walak, dan dimaksudkan untuk mendirikan Negara Walak, Demokrasi Walak.
[Salam Waras.......]
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Only Fooled Humans think that being rich means having a lot of money!
We Melanesians should feel and be proud that we are rich in all aspects and every area of life. This is why our the only great Melanesian Philosopher so far, Bernard Narokobi says, the Melanesian Way is:
Welcome Birth, Live Well, Love Well, Have Something Good for Every Person and Die a Happy Death.
(I added :Welcome Birth" to Norokobi's statement.)
That is wealth! That is prosperity! That is rich!
What comes when we are born and what goes when we pass on are the ones to determine our being into this world.
Being rich means having a lot of money is a concept just started a few hundred years ago, let's say 300 years ago. Thousands, and even hundreds of thousands or million years before, "being rich" never meant to having a lot of money. Or event he word "rich" never existed in the minds and hearts of the peoples.
According to scientists, "Gap between rich and poor began 7,000 years ago, say scientists" It became a reality in life when people started "harvest crops instead of their hands and the class system was born." It triggered humans producing more than they can afford to consume.
Landowners started having more power over ordinary citizens. Class system in communities began to emerge. Those with land became the rulers and those without it became laborers.
Human relations changed, from reciprocal and egalitarian, into structural (top-down) and peripheral (inner-outer).
"Them" and "Us" based on ownership of land, and later own labour, division of labour, and so on, came into play. "Them" rich and "us" poor, or them poor and us rich came into human awareness and thinking.
We are now thinking this is God-created natural instinct to feel being rich and poor just based on how much money I earn or own or get access to. This is artificial reality, as artificial as the one we see on the Internet. However, we feel that this is real. Only, yes Only the time we die, we do realize that all the rich and material wealth have no meaning at all. Again, we only realize when we are ready to pass on in a few seconds.
Therefore, it is wise men and women only who realize this matter of fact far before their seconds towards death. It is only the wise peoples who will understand the meaning of life as being truthful, realistic, present, simply and accepting whatever comes and goes.
Our Melanesian humans, our forefathers and our own fathers were the human beings on this planet Earth until this century, who have actually lived in what is called "Paradise", that is, living in "this present time only", no past, no future, but just now, just here, and just right.
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Monday, May 9, 2022
Dr Ibrahim Peyon: Indeologi dan Nasionalisme Melanesia
Why Some Degree Holders are POOR & Living their lives below the Average
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Dr Ibrahim Peyon: Satu Pusat, Betulkah?
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Saya Telah Memilih Yang Bénar
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Artí Dekolonisasi dan West Papua di Salam NKRI
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Apakah Andreas J Deda Benar-Benar Meninggal? Kapan dan Bagaimana?
Friday, April 1, 2022
An Important Speech by prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu
Friday, March 18, 2022
Gembala Dr. A.G. Socratez Yoman: DULU OPM, Sekarang
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Steven Winduo, on rivers as metaphors
“Rivers stand as a text for me, and it is up to me to read what is inscribed on the surface, beneath it, and along it.”
Thursday, March 10, 2022
It is About "When" NOT "If" West Papua gets independence,
When West Papua gets independence...
Indonesia will become fully independent in all meanings and all aspects. What the first Indonesian President Sukarno calls "complete and multi-dimensional revolution" will become a reality. Indonesia will not become independent from western influences. Indonesian won't be going to Canberra, London nad New York to determine the fate of Indonesia anymore.
When West Papua gets independence, Javanese will become fully independent, they won’t be receiving all the blame. Indonesia will be respected as a modern nation state that have civilized citizens.
When West Papua gets independence, Western powers will get direct benefits economically.
When West Papua gets independence, South Pacific will become fully completely real paradise, that radiates love, joy and harmony with and to all beings. Humanity will be given another chance in Postmodern era to see, feel, smell and taste the word ‘paradise’ in real world and real life.
When West Papua gets independence, relations between Indonesia and Melanesia will be very strong and beneficial inany aspects. It will bring Indonesia to the central role. Indonesia and Melanesia are one package of economic power. Melanesia with a free and independent West Papua will be the best and strongest ally of Indonesia with the natural resources she needs to emerge as a key player in the world affairs. A the same time, Indonesia with enough and well educated and skilled human resources will be needed badly and used widely by and independent Republic of West Papua and of course all Melanesian countries. Transfer of science and technology will happen via Indonesia - West Papua relation, and will take over the roles of the Philippines, Malaysia and India altogether.
When West Papua gets independence, the influence of Indonesia across South Pacific will not be blocked by anybody or any issue. The Republic of West Papua will use Malay-Papua as a lingua franca and will bring big influence across Melanesia to learn Bahasa Indonesia as a useful language for social, cultural and economic activities across South Pacific.
When West Papua gets independence, a free and independent Republic of West Papua will put Indonesia as the first neighbour to benefit from. Almost all ASEAN countries look down Indonesia as poor economically and militaristic government that does not respect human rights. These will automatically dissolved.
When West Papua gets independence, Australia, New Zealand and all western powers will stop worrying about how good and how bad Indonesia is treating Melanesians in West Papua. All Western powers will see and treat Indonesia as equally modern, civilized and democratic.
When West Papua gets independence, they will redeem their past mistakes of giving away the territory and people to military rule that costed the lives of many innocent Melanesians in West Papua. Indonesia will stop coming to the west asking, “can you please say to the media that your government still support West Papua remain under Indonesian rule?
When West Papua gets independence, so many unexpected things will happen. Melanesians are a people that see spirit and body, awake and dream as one and the same realities.
When West Papua gets independence, humanity will have a better chance to understand how to live well, eat well and die a happy death.
When West Papua gets independence, Melanesian will be given the opportunity to express herself to our humanity and will help our human race to experience the real life way of life and way of living that are sustainable, harmonious, peaceful with each other.
So, the question is “when”, NOT “if”.,
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Edisi | 3 Maret 2022